Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bonnie in the Tack house

Gotta love my Bonnie... Keep in mind that our feed/tack house is the size of the cabin or bathroom at Tony and Jennys /Here’s something you’ll like - - - - - I was taking the saddle off of Bonnie today at the tack house. I had given Bonnie a couple of handfuls of grain to eat to keep her busy while I was getting everything rst day of summer-- and as I am sitting here in my Atlanta hotel....I put up. I started to put your saddle on the stand and it folded up and fell over, I grabbed the saddle, stepped over the hay and proceeded to try and keep everything upright including me. I finally managed to get everything straight and turned to go out. Imagine my surprise and fright when Bonnie was standing IN the tack house, she had her front feet and most of her body inside – the look on her face seem to say, “I came in here to find the food, so where is it?” I backed her out and gave her some more grain. I would think that trailer loading would be a cinch from now on. The tack house has to be far more claustrophobic. What a girl, yesterday she was bucking on line and today she walked into the tack house - - - - she is really somethin’.

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