Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Rush! Trip to Mt Rushmore - Prep and Preamble

 So  here I am 5 days before we leave to head North to South Dakota - to ride Mount Rushmore.  A circle of friends have been planning this ride for  about 8 months and the time is finally here.

We start our adventure with the Just Right Horse.  Having this goal has forced me to ride - and ride a lot - and ride in tough situations.  Trail riding is an adventure in problem solving.  JR has it figured out... you go the shortest way to go home.  He seems like a white freckled carrier pigeon and always wants to turn to the road that will lead to the highway home.  He will always pick the right path in the mud however-- he wont hop over streams but will go when I ask - in a direction he didn't think of.  He doesn't crop hop up steep inclines or loose rock, but uses his strong haunches to engage 4 wheel drive and moves with great power.

We have traveled over 60 miles this summer, doing things I never dreamed of doing.  But more importantly, developing my relationship with JR and dealing with Fear and Anxiety.  It has been a successful journey.

I have ridden with some amazing people on this journey.  It all starts with Susan Engle and will never end because of her.  She was my first contact in the world of natural horsemanship and truly the best friend I will ever know.  We know the truth about each other - we accept the truth - we encourage the truth and she is an never ending conduit of the best stories and one of the funniest most amazing horse people I know.  How did I ever get this lucky?

I have been fortunate to have partners in crime that are good and decent human beings.  Deb Scott and her " oh there is only a little mud - it doesn't last very long..." encouraging my waning confidence and providing a great example of determined horsewomanship - while chatting to keep me calm.  We rode almost all of the miles together this summer.

Then there is Kathleen and Izzey - it is hard to believe we have been friends for such a long time now - they are the creators of this Bucket list adventure - and ever encouraging every step on any adventure --- be it driven or riding.  So here we are... preparing for a new one together.  I am privileged to have their commitment to my success and their own - knowing we tell it like it is.  

So here I am - prepping and planning.  Today was JRs appointment for Health papers, Coggins and shots.  He loaded on the trailer with no argument - even in the 97 degree heat.

At the Vet clinic - they were very complimentary of his health and what good shape he is in.    Said he was excellent and then talked about how much fun we would have on our journey at Mt Rushmore... how beautiful and amazing it was.  Jr was not terribly impressed - and is not a fan of anything the vet had to offer.  However - I will say that when Dr Wooderson came out to chat - he got very close - relaxed and sniffed his hand.

So now on to the final planning - get ready cause here we come!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

2013 horse camp - St Louis

 Here we are - JR the wonderhorse at camp.  He did a lovely job of just being JR.  Tango went to and he LOVED the attention and new surroundings.  I was really pleased with how they managed the new adventure. 

Susan was there as well as Rick and Linda - so nice to see old friends..
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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Who I am keeps changing

After a year of running the Curvy Cowgirl and a year working.. I have a chance to possibly move back into the work world - where finances will be really big..but how will that affect all of the important things I want to do?  I find myself slightly dead inside about my horses right now... since my tumble off legend.  But Tina is back in my yard - and Jenny thinks she will make a good riding horse for me..

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Raven was unridable

WHAT??  Jenny said -- "the length of your rope does not match the exuberance of your horse..." no one faint.. she said this about Raven. She said this after Raven jerked me to the end of her 22 foot rope in a leap and canter of sheer exuberance. Mind you I was still at the other end.. barely... laughing.. stumbling. Out comes the 45 foot - snake of a rope. Bah Humbug - I need practice.

About 1/2 way through the spiraling  and transitions on line lesson ( with aforementioned 45 ft rope neatly wrapped around my ankles) she said..." there now she looks safe to ride."  WHAT??   as if to say she was unsafe to ride before.  I have no words.

We have come to another crossroad - a sweet taste of time and relationship where my old gal is exuberant beyond measure and I get so be a part of it. So Raven - have I progressed enough that you can show me this part of yourself without scaring me silly?  More 45 foot rope practice to come.
Rock on Raven

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sometimes you just have to cry

Sometimes a horse comes into your life that captures you.  Meet Beemer - she is a lovely OLD mare that belongs to friends of ours- too old to make a cross county trip.  She had the run of the big pen -- and lived a life of ease and comfort.  But before long she started having issues with her hind quarters  - and ceased to be able to get up unassisted.  So during the colder days we put her in the little barn with deep bedding and she did well until today.

It was her time to go and rather then endure a cold night where she could not get up- she peacefully ended her life in a gentle way - not scared - not worried or in pain.  Thanks to my gentle hearted husband...a brave man with a heart of mush..

So we cried - why - we only knew her a little while ... but it didn't matter she was precious - like a foal...sometimes events like this releases a river of tears waiting for a good time to flow... that is what happened today.